Room 4122 | 206-546-5872 | | Hours: Mon-Thurs 8-5, Fri 8-4:30

Thursday, February 13, 2014

4102 Student Computer Lab

The 4102 Computer Lab, located in the lower level of the Library (Building 4000) houses 100 PCs and 5 Macs for students to use to complete classwork. Here are 3 ways you can improve your experience:
  1. Come to the lab with clean hands and do not bring food. For one thing, 'tis the season for germs to take hold. Also, although the keyboards and tables are cleaned periodically, crumbs in the keyboard or grimy keys from dirty hands can build up over time.
  2. Log into the computer using your student credentials, lock the computer when you step away, and log out when you are done. Using your student login allows you to save files to your profile, which follows you where ever you login. You will more likely be able to recover work if something terrible should happen while you're in the middle of working. To lock your computer when you step away, use the keyboard: Windows Key + L. Locking when you step away and logging out when you are done keeps your information and files out of the hands of whoever sits down after you.
  3. Report any issues you come across. TSS strives to have computers and printers in good working condition. If something isn't working for you, it could go unnoticed if you do not report it. If headphones don't get sound, there's a fix! Report issues to Erin Greenwood, the computer lab manager, or the TSS office. They will want to know the computer number and the problem.
This computer lab is a dedicated quiet, independent study environment. If you need to do group work, look into checking out one of the group study rooms offered by the library upstairs.

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